English VS Indonesian Poetry (Deinition, Types and Examples)

Poetry is a literary work in the form of writing that uses not only words, but also forms, sound patterns, parables, and figurative language to convey messages. According to Mc. Caulay, Hudson in Aminuddin (1987: 134) revealed that poetry is a branch of literature that uses words as a medium of delivery to produce illusions and imagination, just like paintings that use lines and colors to describe the painter's ideas. While we can accept the definition of the above formulation of poetry, because we are often presented with an illusion of beauty, carried away in a dream, in line with the beauty of the arrangement of sound elements, the creation of ideas, and a certain atmosphere when reading a poem. Inside a poetry there are elements such as rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, assonance, stanzas, imaginary and diction. As for the genre or kinds of poetry itself, there are narrative poetry, dramatic poetry and lyrical poetry. In addition, the great philosopher Aristotle suggested that poetr...